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  • egelady


There is a favorite story that I found in Chicken Soup for the Soul years ago and it has always reminded me of my mom. I’ll paraphrase as quickly as I can. A man finds hundreds, maybe thousands of star fish washed up on the beach and begins to return them to the surf one at a time. A second man approaches and says, “What are you doing? You can’t possibly make a difference to all these star fish.” The man replies as he returns one more to the sea, “It makes a difference to that one.” That is how she lived and how I’ve chosen to live. If I can make a difference to just one, then I have succeeded. Enjoy!

Stars | Star fish (yellow to gold ochre on sandy background  | underwater | underwater life | underwater photography | underwater world | undersea | undersea life | undersea world | florida keys | florida keys life | nature | nature photography | uw photography | diving photography | scuba diving photos | scuba diving magazine | diving magazine | coral | coral reef | diver |

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