Sharks! So many people fear them. As an apex predator I can see that. I think it is mainly due to Steven Spielberg and Peter Benchley for the book and movie, Jaws. The book and especially the movie had such a big impact on our psyches.
Despite the hype, they are essential to the health of our oceans. They help to maintain the diversity of the species present in the ocean. They have done so for 450 million years. They survived when the dinosaurs didn’t. They are important for our ocean’s survival. They are amazing and deserve our respect and conservation efforts.
P.S. - One of the folks from Underwater Photography said that these are not sharks, but Cobia Fish. I looked it up and he could and probably is right. According to NOAA fisheries, "Cobia are often mistaken for sharks or remoras. In fact, their closest living relative is the remora (shark sucker)." So, you learn something new every day!
