I did alter this photo by taking out some of the blue tint. I like it this way. Today is the 10th anniversary of my dad’s passing so have enough blue in my heart at the moment. It just doesn’t matter how much time passes; you miss the ones that are gone. Dad would say he has gone to another dimension. If that is true, perhaps, he has found a window back to ours and knows that I am doing fine. Someone told me that when you dream about them, that is them reaching across dimensions to you. I’ve had a couple of important dreams from my mom that warned me that dad was ill and then one that I needed to see a doctor. Dad had had a heart attack at about the same time that I had the dream. And I did need a doctor, just didn’t know it. So maybe heaven is a dimension, and they can reach back. OK, coming back to Earth and our dimension. Returning you back to the coral fields. Mom and dad loved the sea, and they would want you to - Enjoy!
